Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Fire Within

It starts
The Flame

No breath
In sight

It Bursts
The Flame
Burns bright

Sacred Fire
Your light

Heart and Soul

My heart spills over
onto every page
Even if I tried
I could not contain it

My soul pours forth
into every stroke
Even if I tried
I could not shake it

My words are tied
to these instruments
which none can ever 
take from me

More dear to me
than pen and paper
these two can never
be silenced

My New Year's Wish

I Wish for All

A Year of Faith
in every dream
through every struggle
along your way

A Year of Hope
in every moment
amazingly rekindled
from all that were dashed

A Year of Love
filling every heart
healing all the pieces
that have ever been broken

A Year of Peace
deep in every soul
spoken in every language
heard far and wide

A Year of Joy
in every step
springing swiftly up
even when you should fall

A Year of Light
sparkling in every eye
so that kindred spirits
recognize their glow

A Year of Wishes
that are all fulfilled
when wished upon a star
or quietly in your heart

A Year of Blessings
each and every day
sprinkling softly through the air
landing safely in your hands

Tuesday, December 24, 2013




Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Comfort of Candles

Candles bring a warmth,
A glow
To soothe my spirit
When I'm all alone

Their flickering flames
Speak in whispers
Of days long past
When times were simpler

I wrap myself
In their fragrant charm
A comforting blanket
Cheerfully worn

They bring so much more
Than enchanting light
They touch my soul
As they brighten my night

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My Offer

When they come for me
In the morning
I will offer them
My hand

Come join me
In my sacred space
Take a seat
No need to stand

Come join me
In this circle
This place
Without an end

There is room for all
To find some peace
While we quietly
Sit as friends

Saturday, December 14, 2013

In Their Shelter


Names etched 
in the records of time

Exist in a realm
Between Heaven and Earth

With others, nameless,
Stand Guard over all

Always Protecting,
Helping, Guiding

Their sheltering wings
Bring comfort and peace

We don't need to see
To Believe

The Road to Peace

I Pray for PEACE
For Myself
For the World

Do I Practice what I Preach?
Do I Learn what I Teach?
Why is it so often out of Reach?


I HATE Myself
When I get this way
I cannot take it back
When I have a bad day

The Lessons are Tough
The Road is Rough
Just Praying for Peace


I must make amends
For every SIN

The LESSON is Learned
The Path I NOW SEE
For PEACE to be Shared

Friday, December 13, 2013

The World's Lullaby

(Sung to the tune of Brahm's Lullaby)

Lullaby and Good Night
May your dreams take flight
Peaceful slumber come to you
And to all the world too

May your words sweetly speak
Spreading peace to all you meet
May your heart fill with love
Sent from heaven above

If the world joined in song
All would feel that they belong
Love would reign across the land
If we all joined hand in hand

All the colors would blend
Many rifts we could mend
If we tore down the walls
We could hear the angels call

Lullaby and Good Night
Ask the children what is right
Like a child may we see
What the world could truly be

Every voice could be heard
All would speak a kind word
We would help those in need
Every mouth we could feed

May the day truly come
When the world would be as one
May our dreams come to pass
When we find peace at last

Lay thee down now and rest
Put your faith to the test
With true heart may you live
Striving always to forgive

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Yoga and Meditation Journal - 12/7/13

It has been a while since I posted. My daily practice has waned but I have kept it up weekly at least. I plan to resume my daily practice this coming week. It makes such a difference in my life.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Yoga and Meditation Journal - 11/23/13

It has been a while since I journaled. It has been a rough couple weeks and my daily practice has waned a bit, but it will pick up again. I have kept it going weekly and as much as possible. 

Angel Song

Angels are calling
with songs of love
Sweetly streaming
from heaven above

I see them surround me 

with comforting charm
I feel them wrap me
up in their arms

They are all around us

if we but glance
Helping to guide us
at every glance

Drawn to our love,

our joy and our peace
Their love always flows
and will never cease

They are creatures of Light 

shining brightly for all
There to catch us
if we should fall

Open your eyes

and look very clear
For chances are
an angel is near

Open your ears

and hear their call
For they can help
to save us all.

MAL 10/6/13

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Pause

As I walk with intention
Life flows in me
Youthfulness returns to me
Time quietly pauses
Mindfulness works a miracle
Every moment is magical
Silence prevails
One breath at a time

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Yoga and Meditation Journal - 11/5/13

Still going strong with my commitment to do yoga, meditate and walk every day. It has become an integral part of my life now and I can't imagine not doing it.

Time is Relative

Wiling away the day at the cafe
While others bustle to and fro
Caught up in the ebb and flow
We calmly sit as they flutter and flit
They dart and flee
As the time 
by us 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In Between

Day or Night?
Before the morning light
As the dew starts to fall
The darkness still calls
I don't want the night to end
It has always been my friend
In the wee hours all alone
I can find my silent home
So the peace of night I borrow
On this, the quiet side of tomorrow

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Elements

I release to the Earth
all my Fear and pain
My Sadness is removed
and my true self remains

I embrace the Air,
Moon and stars above
I spin in their orbit
which envelops me with Love
I release my Anger
to the red hot Flames
I feel it leave my body
I no longer play its games

The Water washes over me
cleansing my Soul
Refreshing my energy
and making me whole

The Tree stands within me
Powerful and strong
The Elements surround it
I am right where I belong

I feel complete now
The Forces did I see
They brought a Deep Peace
and inner harmony

MAL 10/18/13

Four Elements – Earth, Water, Fire and Air
License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
Author credits: www.martin-liebermann.de

Yoga and Meditation Reflections - Week of 10/14/13

I had another wonderful week of daily yoga and meditation as well as my daily walks which are a meditation in themselves. I have done this daily practice for three weeks now and it is really transforming my life. I have wished to make these daily practices for years now, but feel that this is becoming a reality that I can sustain for my life. It is so rewarding.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fear and Peace

Fear is the mind killer
and a spirit killer too,
Once you let it in,
it will eat away at you.

Fear is the wasteland

of your broken dreams;
The primal power that
makes you want to scream.

Fear is a trap

holding you so tight,
You cannot loose its grip,
if you try with all your might.

We must seek it out

and let it bubble up,
Before it overtakes us,
and the dam erupts.

Release the fear

into the light of day,
Only then can you 
clearly see the way.

Peace is the answer

to your every prayer;
Open up your heart
and find it everywhere.

Peace is the fountain

that will wash away your sin,
Quiet your mind
and let it seep in.

Peace is the key

to open up the cage;
Let go of your grip
and let it take away your rage.

We must accept it

and let it sink into our pores;
The more we open up,
We can feel it more and more.

Embrace the peace
into your every cell;
Let it find its home
and within your heart dwell.

MAL 10/6/13





Seeds of 

Buried deep

Longing to

Be free 
of all 
the sin





Seeds of

To nurture
and grow

Longing to

Believe in
and show

MAL 10/5/13

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I finally know my path
I walk it every day
Each step that I take
Helps me find my way

I do not walk alone
But with my helpful guides
Always watching over me
Always by my side

Their unwavering love
Helps me when I fall
If I closely listen
I can hear their silent call

As my truth emerges
My faith becomes more strong
Knowing I am guided
To find where I belong


Even as you begin to believe
the doubts may creep in
nagging and festering
But don't let them win

Believe in yourself
Not these false thoughts
Have faith in your strength
and find what was lost

Your passion and dreams
will slowly take hold
Don't push them back
Just let them unfold

All that you desire
Will come to be true
If you simply trust
And see the best in you

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Yoga and Meditation Journal - Week of 10/7/13

Another great week so far continuing my twice daily yoga and meditation practices, as well as the daily walking. I am feeling so good and energized. I am inspired to keep it going. My diet has also improved as a result of being more in tune with my body. 

My Guardians

Angels surround me,
protect and remind me,
guide me, guard me
and sometimes hide me.

If I but whisper
a gentle request,
They are there 
in an instant
and by my side rest. 

They are powerful, soft,
strong and meek,
But always found
if you but seek.

They stand at four corners,
creating a shield,
Never wavering
and never to yield.

Such wonderful beings
with such huge hearts,
I long to be with them,
never to part.


A tiny dot
A speck amongst the stars
It grows and glows
Radiating its charm

If we could solve
all its mysteries
We would then know
the secret of the galaxy

Its birth a wonder
A sight beyond words
Such as harsh beginning
to such a little form

As it learns all
the Earth can teach
It longs for the world
now out of reach

A distant memory
A whisper, a thought
It searches for that
which is all but lost

Always searching
Never finding
Always present

Years pass and
wisdom grows
But still a child
whose heart knows

Oh, child of the universe
Return if you must
To whence you began
Oh, you who is made of stardust

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Yoga and Meditation Reflections and Poems

I have been continuing my twice daily yoga and meditation practices as well as my daily walking and I am feeling great. I attended a meditation workshop in California this past weekend. It inspired many poems which I am sharing together here. 

View From Above

Tiny specks 
across the land
mingled with 
the desert sand

The majestic peaks 
spread far and wide
From my viewpoint
they cannot hide

Plots of earth
carved out so neat
Look so uniform
from my seat

From my perch
above the clouds
The beauty before me
speaks clear and loud

I can almost 
see eternity
As I gaze at
the landscape 
before me

Endless Loop

Messages pop up
I read and reply
Adrenaline rush
I get my fix

So many poems

So little time

I read 

and reply
and read
and reply
and read
and reply

The endless loop 
in my head
goes on
and on
and on


I must
read all
and reply
end loop;


Another fix
Read and reply
Read and reply

Why oh why

must I try
to read all
and reply


leads to


I long
for the 
on the screen
to speak
to me
over and over

I want to 

But I don't
want to
all the 




I die

I must

try to

Friday, October 4, 2013

Yoga and Meditation Journal - 10/4/13

I have meditated every day since last Thursday and practiced yoga every day since last Friday. I have been continuing my yoga and meditations twice daily now for three days.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I see 
the possibility 
of all that is to come
I smell
the freshness
of a brand new day
I taste
the sweetness
of love in my heart
I feel
the fabric
of my everlasting soul
I hear 
the gong
calling me home

I sense
the awakening
rising from the Earth.
I hope for 
pouring softly from the sky
I speak
the truths
whispered in my ear
I listen
carefully for
the beating of the drum
The ancient heartbeat
to unite us all
as One

I have 
that Prophecies 
will come to pass
higher than 
the Sun
To be
Pureness and Light
To see
my Spirit
in all its 
Instead of
through a glass darkly

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Full Moon of Our Love

The moon is shining bright and full tonight,
Enclosed in a misty halo of light.
The soft clouds are drawn to it,
Surrounding its fullness like a shield.
The moon and clouds stand together
        in stillness like a dream,
In their own world of light and
        shadow in the dark sky.

As I see the fullness of the moon,
I am filled with my love for you.
The halo of light is like a guardian of our love.
The misty clouds protect the dream world
         we enjoy together.
We will always be joined with the moon,
Its ever changing shapes, sizes and colors
         a reflection of our love.

When we are apart, it will link us
         through the distance;
And when we are near to each other,
It will bring us even closer in our hearts.
As the moon is ever present, even when unseen,
So will our love be.
As long as the moon stands in the sky,
Our love will never die.
                                                    MAA 10/31/97

Love is Like The Moon

Love shines white and clear
As the moon upon the darkest night,
And stands out for those
Who take the time to look for it.

Its shapes are ever changing,
      sometimes gentle, sometimes bold.
But each one more beautiful than the last.
One night it might strongly announce
      its presence,
Or on another it may hide itself
      behind the clouds.

Love brings romance and mystery
      into a dark, dreary night.
Bringing us closer to the distant world
      of the unknown beyond the Earth.
We feel at one and at peace
      with the universe.
We are not alone.
                                           MAA 10/31/97

Love is Like The Sun

Love begins as a sunrise,
Fresh and bright as a new day.
Then as the sun, it climbs higher
And grows stronger with each passing moment.

Love gives us light in our lives,
And comfort from the cold.
Even when we are far from it,
Or cannot see it, we know it is there.

The sunset does not bring an end
        to the sun or to love,
Just a beautiful close to one
        chapter in our lives.
A new chapter will unfold with
        the next dawn,
Brighter and more joyful than the last.
                                            MAA 10/31/97

Love Under The Sun and Moon

Our love began with a sunrise,
Bringing a fresh, new day into our lives.
It almost ended with the sunset,
While we stood together as friends.

But the dawning of another day,
Proved that friendship and love
      do not die with the sun.
Instead they grow stronger
      with each sunrise,
And promise more with each sunset.

No matter how many times
We've seen the Sun's golden rays
Start to shine about the horizon,
Each time is more beautiful than the last.

Or when we think that
We have seen each shape and color
It projects upon the sky as it falls
      back to its grave,
We will see another more wonderful and bold.

Love changes and enhances
With each sunrise and sunset.
Its joys are endless and powerful,
Bringing wonder and happiness
      each morning and evening.

The sun is like a warm blanket
      on a cold morning.
We feel its comfort wrap around us,
And feel secure,
Knowing it will be there day by day.

Just as the sun rises and sets
       upon each day,
The moon illuminates the night.
It is mysterious and changing,
Never keeping the same shape for long.
It can be a giant fireball in the sky,
Or hide its light behind the earth.

The sun brings light and hope,
And the moon brings romance and mystery.
Each is beautiful in its own unique light;
They are both more wonderful and beautiful
When we are together beneath their glow.

Love gives us new eyes
To see all of their beauty at its fullness.
Love draws us closer to them,
No matter how far away
      they are in reality.
Somehow, they can cast a spell
      on those in love,
Drawing them into a world
      where time stands still,
Allowing them to share their love
      a moment longer.
                                           MAA 10/31/97 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

On My Mat

I step onto my mat

I Breathe              
I drop


        My Spirit


            It is 


I pledge 

I dismiss

        I move to 
       the rhythm
         my inner 

       The stress 


     my thoughts 

       The quiet 
    transports me
      To a realm 





I lie

I slow 

I savor

I Treasure 

     I place them 

      deep inside 

       my Heart