The first group were written during a period of true spiritual growth for me. These poems are from the purest part of my soul.
I hope you enjoy them.
I was doing Weight Watchers during the period when the first two poems were written and met two friends online that I really connected with. One I was able to meet and our friendship lasted for years. She was my matron of honor and we grew with each other from single life to having families. Recently our friendship ended without a word. The other friend supported me during this period and helped me to see the best in myself. She was far away and we never even met in person. But we felt that we knew each other so well. I lost touch with her after a few years. Both of these friends will always have a place in my heart. Sometimes friends are only meant to be in your life for a period I guess.
The third poem is for one true friend and I that have been together many years. She is now my daughter's Godmother and has stood by my side through it all. I am very blessed to have her for a friend. She is truly the sweetest and best person that I know.
My Soul Sister
One day unexpectedly,
Someone came into my life,
Who at once feels so familiar,
Yet whom I've never met.
She knows your deepest feelings,
Without hardly speaking a word.
You feel a deep connection,
This friend touches your soul.
Who knows all the reasons,
Why you feel this way.
But you speak the same language,
This friendship was meant to be.
One so like the other,
Yet in her own way unique.
Two souls that are a perfect fit
Who were destined to meet.
Maybe these two "old souls"
Met in a former life.
No one knows the mystery,
But the tie cannot be denied.
Now that they are joined,
The bond will never break.
The two are now as one,
Let nothing stand in their way.
For I pity the poor soul,
Who tries to destroy this union.
When two soul sisters meet,
It is lasting and forever.
They will continue to enjoy
The friendship they have formed,
Each one growing stronger,
In her own individual way.
Their journey will go on
Even after they have become
The people they were meant to be.
They will dance when it is done.
For dancing is their pleasure,
It makes their bond more strong.
When two soul sisters meet,
They can't help but rejoice!
It is like they have found,
A missing piece of their heart.
When they are united,
The emptiness is gone.
They nurture one another,
Provide strength when the other is weak.
By the bond of this kinship,
They will never now defeat.
I am eternally grateful
That my search is complete;
I have found my own soul sister.
She was truly worth the wait.
For Julie MAA 12/15/01
The Perfect Sister
If I could dream up
The perfect sister
And listed all her traits,
She wouldn't even come close to you!
No one could imagine
The special person that I've found.
The day that you adopted me,
Was the luckiest day of my life.
Each day we discover
How much we are alike.
Although we are not tied by blood,
Our bond is so unique.
You inspire and encourage me
To find the best within.
I couldn't have asked
For a truer or better friend.
Although we have never met,
We know each other so well.
When we are finally united,
The choirs will sing with joy.
We love to talk and write,
Expressing ourselves from the heart.
How could the friendship ever fail
When two are so willing to share?
With just the words on the page,
You can read all of my moods.
You know what path my life is on,
How each day I change and grow.
We are both on a journey
To find the person within;
To become stronger and wiser,
To see our dreams fulfilled.
I am happy that I now share
This road that we call life
With someone as wonderful as you,
To help me along my way.
I never cease to be amazed
Just how special you are.
God blessed me with a pearl,
This perfect sister to call mine.
For Eleanor MAA 12/15/01
Trust Your Angels
When we met in college
We didn't really know
How much our friendship
Would truly grow.
But over the years
We have stayed true and fast;
Sharing many stories
Of angels and our past.
Our bond became stronger
When of angels we would speak.
It became a theme for our spirits;
Much knowledge would we seek.
Your angel is so close to you,
It speaks and touches you heart.
Giving wisdom and guidance
From you never to part.
My angel is more quiet,
But I can sense it near;
I feel it with me always,
I treasure it so dear.
I know that our lives
Will never go astray,
As long as our angels
Help us along the way.
So trust your guardian angel,
Listen to its song,
It is there to guide you,
It will never steer you wrong.
For Suzanne MAA 12/24/01
I forgot to put this poem in my Blog when I was transcribing them from
my notebooks. I just found emails between me and the band
The Kilwein Family Tree-O in a saved email folder that reminded me.
I am glad that I saved all my poetry that I have written over the years
in notebooks. They wrote me a poem back also. Great guys!
It was a great reuinion.
A Cure for the Reunion Blues
The following poem was written after I had a truly giving and peaceful
experience making over a hundred friendship bracelets for people onthe Weight Watcher's website after a post about things about myself,
of which making these was one. People used them as anchors to keep
themselves on track. I made a list of the names, addresses, sizes and
colors and had a whole system for making them. It was a great outlet
for my artistic side. It started in June of 2001 and lasted for months,
until the last wave in which I made a lot for people after 9/11. Red,
white and blue of course. It was truly one of those times when you
felt you get back 10 times what you give. I got cards and gifts from
people in appreciation of a little bracelet given from my heart. It
was truly marvelous.
It was truly a friendship chain, which spread across the U.S.,
to Canada and even England. I sent people directions to make
ones themselves for their friends, and it was like the film
"Pay it Forward," with people doing things for others.
One day maybe I will write a book on it.
For now I have this poem:
Friendship Chain
One act of kindness
Can make such an impact.
Reach out to a stranger;
Make a new friend.
The chain of friendship
Links us together,
No matter the distance
It knows no bounds.
Friendship is universal,
The key to making peace;
Follow the golden rule,
Love thy neighbor as thyself.
No one can refuse
Friendship kindly offered,
With unselfish heart
It touches the soul.
A token of friendship
Speaks its own language,
A symbol and reminder
That we are all as one.
The friendship bracelet
Is not only for children;
It inspires all of us,
Old and young alike.
It brings joy and hope
To those who receive it,
Spreading friendship
Across the nations.
One act of kindness
Leads to another;
Many hearts are linked
In the community of souls.
We must honor the history
Friendship over the ages;
Its magic is timeless,
Its lessons never end.
Learn the lesson well,
We must strive for peace;
Respect one another,
We are all the same inside.
Share of yourself,
It is the only way
To find true joy,
And peace eternal.
MAA 7/25/02
Links to other poems on friendship:
My Peaceful Hand
My Friend and Soul Mate
My Offer
Links to other poems on friendship:
My Peaceful Hand
My Friend and Soul Mate
My Offer
By Nina from Australia (Friendship) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
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