Sunday, September 27, 2020


I will never tire of the trees
They are my friends 
And speak to me
They wrap around me 
As I meander the path
The pines stand majestic
Tall and proud
While the others are resting
Awaiting Spring
Their barren branches
Will soon have buds
But the sap is still flowing
Inside their trunks
Their presence brings comfort
From the snow and the cold
Their steadfast stillness
Soothes my soul
I eagerly anticipate
When they are in bloom
But I savor these moments
Of sweet serenity
When they share their secrets
Silently with me

MAL 2/3/19

Written mostly while walking (12 small laps) and transcribed to paper from memory and completed after the walk. 

Sun Kissed

The Sun rises gently as I tread
Casting streaks and shadows
Across the icy snow
It greets me cheerfully
As it peeks through the trees
Rising higher with each step
Shining brighter with each lap
The trees shield it from my eyes
Creating beauty as I pass
I never tire of its views
I get a thrill from each glance
I try to capture every moment
But lenses never do it justice
The peace and joy it brings to me
Can never be expressed fully
My images and words
Are my best attempt
To share with the world
The pleasure that I feel 
When it kisses me

MAL 2/1/19
Reflection upon my walk on a sun kissed morning. 


Indulge your senses fully
In all that you do
In every movement of your body
In every rhythm of your breath
In every image your eye captures
In every taste upon your tongue
In every scent that you smell
In every object that you touch
In every moment of your life
Take the time to soak it in
To feel the pulse of your heart
Alive and exhilarated
Inspired and excited
Awaiting your awareness
Of life's marvelous mysteries


Rest in Peace

Make me a channel of your peace
Saint Francis was your guide
You always lived that motto
Peace be with you and also with you
was said at church and as we shared 
a glass of water after getting home
May your eternal soul rest in peace
and may we find peace in our loss
Your love never dies even though 
you are no longer with us
Spread pieces of peace 
down upon the world
and do your work from on high
We love you Mom
We feel your love as we share 
Our final goodbye
Rest in Peace 
with your parents and sister now
Reunited in spirit
Lovingly remembered
Forever cherished
Now we lay thee down to rest

MAL 7/24/20
Memorial for my Mom at the burial of her ashes back in her hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My sister asked me to write something and I wrote it right before the service as tears streamed down my face. Everyone else felt it as I read it. 
I love you eternally Mom and feel you always with me. 

She passed on February 15, 2o20 and her funeral was
on February 22, 2020 
(2/22, 2020 - 22 and 222 are her signs to me)

My friend said my Mom's soul was the loveliest pink rose. Perfect.


Corona is the Crown
Crown of the Head
Head of the State
State of the Nation
Imposed Isolation
Locked in Limitation
Extreme Frustration
Total Agitation
Severe Aggravation
Complete Condemnation
Pandemic Paralysis
Universal Uncertainty
Hiding in Hibernation
Masking our Faces
My Faith is Fading
My Spirit Slowly Dying
Tired of Trying
To Avoid the Inevitable
Keeping busy Postponing
Cannot Escape the Reality
Weary of Waiting
For a Vaccine or
The Miracle Cure
For the Decree
That will set us Free
That will bring back Me

MAL 4/19/20

This was written in the midst of the stay at home orders that kept getting extended and I thought would never end. As an extrovert it was slowly killing me. This was about a month in. Thankfully we were eventually allowed to socialize with restrictions. My life has been slowly returning to as normal as can be in these times. I will take it. 


I see the man that you are and the man you will become
I know the thinker and can sense the dreamer
What dreams dwell inside, waiting to be realized?
As I delve deep into the core, uncovering more,
I put together the pieces of the puzzle of your soul
What lies hidden within is revealed to me
The true image is reflected back as in a mirror
The key is found, unlocking the chamber,
the walls part, and the inner sanctum is achieved
The rare treasure is revealed,
Beheld only by one worthy of its discovery

A twin flame poem

MAL 3/1/19