Monday, September 30, 2013

The Full Moon of Our Love

The moon is shining bright and full tonight,
Enclosed in a misty halo of light.
The soft clouds are drawn to it,
Surrounding its fullness like a shield.
The moon and clouds stand together
        in stillness like a dream,
In their own world of light and
        shadow in the dark sky.

As I see the fullness of the moon,
I am filled with my love for you.
The halo of light is like a guardian of our love.
The misty clouds protect the dream world
         we enjoy together.
We will always be joined with the moon,
Its ever changing shapes, sizes and colors
         a reflection of our love.

When we are apart, it will link us
         through the distance;
And when we are near to each other,
It will bring us even closer in our hearts.
As the moon is ever present, even when unseen,
So will our love be.
As long as the moon stands in the sky,
Our love will never die.
                                                    MAA 10/31/97

Love is Like The Moon

Love shines white and clear
As the moon upon the darkest night,
And stands out for those
Who take the time to look for it.

Its shapes are ever changing,
      sometimes gentle, sometimes bold.
But each one more beautiful than the last.
One night it might strongly announce
      its presence,
Or on another it may hide itself
      behind the clouds.

Love brings romance and mystery
      into a dark, dreary night.
Bringing us closer to the distant world
      of the unknown beyond the Earth.
We feel at one and at peace
      with the universe.
We are not alone.
                                           MAA 10/31/97

Love is Like The Sun

Love begins as a sunrise,
Fresh and bright as a new day.
Then as the sun, it climbs higher
And grows stronger with each passing moment.

Love gives us light in our lives,
And comfort from the cold.
Even when we are far from it,
Or cannot see it, we know it is there.

The sunset does not bring an end
        to the sun or to love,
Just a beautiful close to one
        chapter in our lives.
A new chapter will unfold with
        the next dawn,
Brighter and more joyful than the last.
                                            MAA 10/31/97

Love Under The Sun and Moon

Our love began with a sunrise,
Bringing a fresh, new day into our lives.
It almost ended with the sunset,
While we stood together as friends.

But the dawning of another day,
Proved that friendship and love
      do not die with the sun.
Instead they grow stronger
      with each sunrise,
And promise more with each sunset.

No matter how many times
We've seen the Sun's golden rays
Start to shine about the horizon,
Each time is more beautiful than the last.

Or when we think that
We have seen each shape and color
It projects upon the sky as it falls
      back to its grave,
We will see another more wonderful and bold.

Love changes and enhances
With each sunrise and sunset.
Its joys are endless and powerful,
Bringing wonder and happiness
      each morning and evening.

The sun is like a warm blanket
      on a cold morning.
We feel its comfort wrap around us,
And feel secure,
Knowing it will be there day by day.

Just as the sun rises and sets
       upon each day,
The moon illuminates the night.
It is mysterious and changing,
Never keeping the same shape for long.
It can be a giant fireball in the sky,
Or hide its light behind the earth.

The sun brings light and hope,
And the moon brings romance and mystery.
Each is beautiful in its own unique light;
They are both more wonderful and beautiful
When we are together beneath their glow.

Love gives us new eyes
To see all of their beauty at its fullness.
Love draws us closer to them,
No matter how far away
      they are in reality.
Somehow, they can cast a spell
      on those in love,
Drawing them into a world
      where time stands still,
Allowing them to share their love
      a moment longer.
                                           MAA 10/31/97 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

On My Mat

I step onto my mat

I Breathe              
I drop


        My Spirit


            It is 


I pledge 

I dismiss

        I move to 
       the rhythm
         my inner 

       The stress 


     my thoughts 

       The quiet 
    transports me
      To a realm 





I lie

I slow 

I savor

I Treasure 

     I place them 

      deep inside 

       my Heart

Love is Like A Circle

Our love is like a circle of pure gold,
Which contains the sun, moon and stars as one.
Our journey of love has barely begun,
All its treasures we have yet to behold.
As we see the path of our hearts unfold, 
And gaze into the brightness of the sun,
And see the gifts that true friendship has won,
Joy and happiness will be uncontrolled. 
                                                                  MAA 5/25/98

Written for my husband when we were first dating. I attempted a sonnet but it just didn't happen. Maybe someday I will write one like my favorite poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Yoga and Meditation - 9/27/13

I went to a Restorative Yoga workshop Friday night and it was wonderful. 2 hours of pure relaxation. Then I meditated for about 20 minutes when I came home.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Meditation Reflections - 9/26/13

I had two really great meditations Wednesday and Thursday.

Accept Me

Would you accept me
if you knew what was inside?
Would you accept me
with all I try to hide?

Would you accept me
with the anger and the pain?
Would you accept me
with the sadness and disdain?

Would you accept me
with all my little flaws?
Would you accept every 
awful thing you saw?

My need for control
is caging me so tight.
My need for perfection
touches everything in sight.

I long for approval
from everyone I see.
So why can't I accept
everything I see in me?

My love and acceptance
reaches out to every soul.
But loving myself
is my ultimate goal.

I see the vision 
of the person I'm meant to be.
But the journey to peace
needs to begin with me.

                                      MAL 9/26/13

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Maze

In the midnight of our days
The moon peeks through the misty haze,
It's waxed and waned through every phase
As we've traveled through the maze.

Some would say we've reached the end,
That it's time to comprehend,
That we can only append,
That it's too late for us, my friend.

But I say midnight is the peak,
For those who nightly hunt and seek,
To find the truths buried so deep;
Now is not the time to sleep.

For our journey carries on
Until at least the breaking dawn,
And maybe far beyond,
Where we may sing another song.
                                         MAL 9/24/13

Friday, September 20, 2013

My Peaceful Hand

By Nina from Australia (Friendship) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

This is my hand
a token of friendship,
outstretched in kindness,
humbleness and grace.

With it comes my heart,
open and loving,
the portal to my soul,
wishing peace unto all.

I imagine a world
with hands connected
across the globe,
where peace and friendship flow.

I've dreamt this dream
since I was young,
"Let There Be Peace On Earth"
my heartfelt theme.

My dream of peace
may seem unreal,
a fancy whim
of a little girl.

But even age
cannot subdue
the hope to see
this dream unfold.

I join my hand
in yours today;
Please accept it
with intent.

One by one
we change the world;
Hopes and dreams
may be fulfilled.

                                  MAL 9/19/13

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Rock

You are my rock,
yet gentle and kind are your words;
You are my strength,
yet loving and softly you hold me.

You are my Sun,
so brightly you shine in my heart;
You are my Moon,
piercing the dark with your light.

You are the ocean,
softly soothing me to sleep;
You are the breeze,
caressing my hair with your breath.

You are a whisper,
spoken sweetly into my ear;
You are a song,
sung deep from the depths of my heart.

You are my friend,
comforting when I am sad;
You are my love,
connecting to me with a glance.

You are my one,
I searched for so achingly long;
You are my everything,
your love surpasses it all.

                                        MAL 9/19/13 

For my loving and wonderful husband

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Moon Dance

I howl at the moon
in my manic state,
Unable to control
my urge to stay up late;
At the witching hour,
I give into my fate.

My spirit soars as high
as the tide that swiftly rises;
I feel it draw me in,
as it excites and energizes;
With the moon as its strong ally,
there can be no compromises.

The endless energy
pulses though my veins;
Intoxicating and alluring,
never seeming to drain;
I enter into a world
where I feel no pain.

So I dance under the moon,
and ride high with the tide;
Feeling every beam and wave,
till they subside;
This is the part of me
I no longer have to hide.
                              MAL 9/17/13


Spirits call us from above,
Sending messages of love;
Ancestors long passed away,
Speak to us in their own way.

Sweet angels standing by our side,
Their golden wings open wide,
Protecting us from any harm,
Soothing us with their charm.
These helpful guides are waiting for us,
Amid the mayhem and the fuss;
Stop for a moment and listen clear,
For you will find the answer there.

                                                                     MAL 7/6/13

Deep Within

The Light of God fills my soul,
Making me complete and whole.
My destiny becomes more clear,
Each time that I release the fear.

My inner child comes to me,
Filled with laughter and with glee.
The tiny voice within me grows,
Guiding me with what it knows.

The deeper and deeper that I go,
The stronger and stronger the energy flows;
Until I reach that special place,
That brings with it abundant grace.

                                                                 MAL 7/4/13

The Gifts of Meditation

I sit in stillness as my breath ebbs and flows;
I feel the ground beneath me as the quiet grows.

My heart expands as it opens and alights;
My spirit soars, and with each breath, it ignites.

The light grows stronger from the heavens above;
As my heart is filled with peace and with love.

The anger and sadness are released easily;
As I embrace inner peace and harmony.

God’s grace is a gift he freely gives;
To each of us every day that we live.

                                                                                   MAL 7/2/13

The Beckoning Breeze

                      By Susan Abramson

The breeze blows softly on a beautiful summer day;
Cool and soothing, it calls us to come and play.

“Don’t stay inside,” it chides as it flows
Freely through the curtains;
Its urgency grows.

You belong with me, out here flying free;
Good things await you, come out and see.

Don’t wait another second,
Don’t wait another breath,
Listen to the call and find Nature’s wealth.

                                                                    MAL 6/30/13

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Gwen, at 7, still loves her lullabies at night softly sung as I tuck her into bed. I love the time with her singing these. I know it will not last forever, so I savor each night that I can while it lasts.

Here are two of our favorites that I love to sing to her. I always sing it once, then hum the tune. It is our little routine we have done for years now. The lullabies have varied, but these two I both sing and hum to her. When she was a baby, "Lullaby" was her favorite that played on her little ocean aquarium player hanging on her crib, and when I sang to her when she was fussy, rocking her under the bathroom fan which soothed her. The tune is by Brahm's and most people don't know the words other than the first line, and I used to just make them up with her name in the tune. I looked it up online and picked a version I liked, but recently found a translation which is longer ('s_Lullaby). I only sing the first part (modified from the classic). It doesn't really matter, it does the trick. The other is an Irish lullaby that I've known since I was young. It is dear to my heart since I have Irish blood in me. I only sing the chorus it seems, and didn't know how to spell it correctly (  But it is as I remember it. That is in the true spirit of it.

Lullaby and good night,
With soft roses around you;
Slumber sweetly in the moonlight,
Close your eyes now and dream.

Lay thee down now and rest,
May your slumber be blessed;
Lay thee down now and rest,
May your slumber be blessed.

Too Ra, Loo Ra, Loo Ral
Too Ra, Loo Ra, Loo Ral,
Too Ra, Loo Ra, Li;
Too Ra, Loo Ra, Loo Ral,
Hush now don't you cry;

Too Ra, Loo Ra, Loo Ral,
Too Ra, Loo Ra, Li;
Too Ra, Loo Ra, Loo Ral,
That's an Irish lullaby.

Sweet dreams little Gwennie,
Love Mommy

Handfuls of Love

Cold hands,
Warm heart;
Clean hands,
Fresh start.

Hands to hold
The ones so dear;
Lives to mold,
Each passing year.

A warm embrace,
A gentle kiss;
These precious moments
Are pure bliss.

Walk with me
And hold on tight;
Cling to me
With all your might.

My hand in yours
Is meant to be;
This hand of mine
Is yours you see.

We pledged a bond,
"Till death do us part";
We are two souls,
Who share one heart.

A little blessing
God's hands did form;
We held her close,
So soft and warm.

Each day she grows,
Our love does too;
Each sunrise refreshes
Our lives anew.
                       MAL 9/14/13                

For Damon and Gwen,
My life and love to them

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11/13: Friendship Chain

We all remember that day 12 years ago that will forever be imprinted on our souls.
God Bless America!

The following poem was inspired by how I was connected to many people before and after the tragedy that year.

Friendship Chain

One act of kindness
Can make such an impact.
Reach out to a stranger;
Make a new friend.

The chain of friendship
Links us together,
No matter the distance
It knows no bounds.

Friendship is universal,
The key to making peace;
Follow the golden rule,
Love thy neighbor as thyself.

No one can refuse
Friendship kindly offered,
With unselfish heart
It touches the soul.

A token of friendship
Speaks its own language,
A symbol and reminder
That we are all as one.

The friendship bracelet
Is not only for children;
It inspires all of us,
Old and young alike.

It brings joy and hope
To those who receive it,
Spreading friendship
Across the nations.

                                     MAL 7/29/02

This week has been great so far. I have been doing yoga in the mornings and it feels great to be starting a daily practice. Will try to keep doing that or in evenings/taking classes. I will probably do it this evening since the time has passed quickly this morning. Tomorrow I want to go to UpDog for my yin yoga class. I will meditate at lunch today so that will be nice. I have been getting more sleep lately and working less than the last few weeks. Feels good to get home at a relatively decent hour. Will be home early today since Damon is going to a concert. That will be nice.

Working on all of my goals! Doing good so far.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Meditation: Attunement to Higher Vibrational Living

I decided to try a meditation CD that I have been wanting to do. It is a series by one of my favorite spiritual authors, Sonia Choquette called “Attunement to Higher Vibrational Living.” 

Meditation: Angel Medicine

We usually do a Wednesday meditation with our small group of about 5 each week. This week we forgot to schedule it so no one came. Some people were busy or on vacation. But I felt drawn to still do it myself and the room was available. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Meditation Journal - 9/1/13

Meditation on Friday was great. It was nice having the group again. It was a smaller group which was nice. I was able to go deep and release a lot of anger. The music was Gregorian  chanting and our leader also used small gong like cymbals. Not sure what exactly they are called. But the sound reverberated nicely. She used them at the beginning and end. The room was hot so we joked that it was like a sweat lodge.

Enjoyed Saturday. Slept in late and even though I had to work a bit, I then went to see Planes with Gwen and our neighbors, and then her friend came over to sleepover. She is moving an hour away so Gwen will miss her. It also helped her mother pack for the move today.

Will be able to relax a bit today but have to work again some of the day. Busy at work. Monday I plan on taking it easy and maybe even getting in the pool.