Sunday, November 29, 2020


She is a holistic healer
She is caring and considerate
She is generous and grateful
She is kind and compassionate
She is patient and humble
She has gentle hands
She gives honey hugs
She has an honest laugh
She has a genuine smile
She has sweet eyes that 
    delve deep into your soul
She has cosmic connections
    that transcend reality
Her planetary motions move beyond 
    the normal space-time continuum
She explores all aspects of the human psyche
She reaches into the far corners of the mind
She searches for all meanings of truth
She withholds judgment until
    she obtains further proof
She meditates on the meaning of life
She studies the sounds of the universe
She collects facts about the 
    timelines and transitions
She awaits the dawning of the
    Age of Aquarius
She heralds the heavenly hosts
She sings the tunes of temperance
She chants the chosen verses
She worships with wholesome virtues
She prays for peace to prevail
She breathes for bravery to begin
She harnesses hope for humanity
She wishes to witness the 
    waking of the world
She gilds the golden age
She aligns with the awakening
She illuminates her insights
She is invested deeply in her intuition
She is a huge force of nature
    in a tiny little body
Do not underestimate her
She is fierce and passionate
She is feminine and strong
She will fight for what is right
She will guard what is great
Don't test her resolve
Don't poke the lion
She will Roar!

MAL 11/28/20


He is a happiness healer
He is a caring counselor
He is a manifesting magnet
He is an abundance advisor
He is infinite potential
He is a divine dreamer
He is a savvy soothsayer
He is a talkative talisman
As he deeply gazes at you,
    his eyes will melt your soul
He will warmly wrap you in 
    wellness wishes
He will cast off your chains
He will clear you of your cares
He will free you of your fears
He will amplify your aura
He will clarify your chakras
He will maximize your mantras
He will obliterate your obsessions
He will alleviate your addictions
He will liberate your life
He will gently guide you to 
    greener pastures
He will quickly convince you
    to live your best life
He will hold your hand as he 
    harmonizes with heaven
He will angelically awaken
    your light body
He will tenderly transmute all
    your ails with the violet flame
He will color your world with
    his striking bright pallet,
    all his brushstrokes carefully placed,
    confidently creating a
    marvelous masterpiece
His witty wisdom will wash over you,
    like a wave washing softly onto the sand,
    smoothing and making it solid,
    so that you can stand firmly on it
That is how he will help you rise up
    stronger onto the sand
    of the beach of your life
He will help harness the sun to 
    shine brightly on your beach
He will teach you how to tend to your life
    so that you can always see the
    sunrise and sunset in glorious fashion
    on your beach, no matter the season
He will help to hang the moon and 
    the stars over your beach at night,
    to always keep a lamp lit,
    should you fear the darkness
All this he will do and more,
    to help you blossom and bloom
    and burst brightly into the world,
    the best version of yourself
    you could possibly ever 
    believe yourself to be. 

MAL 11/28/20

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


She is a witch
She is a wizard
She is a conjurer
She is a magician
She is a psychic
She is an outcast
She dreams at dusk
She manifests with the moon
She spins spells from 
    Samhain's Sun to
    Midwinter's Moon
She exhales at the Equinox
She sighs at the Solstice
She creates cunningly and craftily
She simmers stews of solace
She brews blessed blends
Her darkness hides a lightness
Her magic lives and breathes
She finds harmony at the hearth
She finds faith around the fire
She tells tales of old
She lives for legends
She is a warrior
She is a Valkyrie
She is a raven-haired beauty
She has honor
She has pride
She stands with her tribe
She is faithful and fierce
She is loyal and true
She will fight to the death
She will avenge any wrong
She will protect her home
She will save her family
She will forage for food
She is skilled at survival
She is a huntress
She is a goddess
She is an ace archer
She can wield a shield
She can sling a sword
She is brave and bold
She is soft and strong
No man is her match
No woman is her equal
She makes no apologies
She asks no forgiveness
She stays true to her word
She holds fast to her stance
She bears witness to her beliefs
She is imbued with integrity
She is infused with authenticity
Look beyond the surface
Delve deeper to her core
There you will find a treasure
There you will find her worthy soul
May her heart stay true forever
May her bravery be remembered for ages
May children tell her tale
May women weep for her
May men marvel at her
A heroine has come forth
To protect, honor and guide us
To lead us into the good fight
To salvage the wreckage of the world
To bring back honor
To bring back values
To bring back the best of us
Long live her name. 

MAL 11/25/20


She is a shaman
She is a mindwalker
She is a medicine woman
She is a witch
She is a time traveler
She is a realmkeeper
She is a Sorceress
She is a Pagan Queen
She marks time by the Feasts
She keeps in tune with the cycles
She is a Great Goddess
She gathers in the glens
She regularly practices her rituals
She is an herbal healer
She is an earth whisperer
She is cloaked in mystery
She is robed in wisdom
Her voice beckons the 
    bridge between worlds
Her words speak to the silence
    that stirs in the woods
The guides glide to her
The mystics move towards her
The angels ally with her
The universe knows her name
She is spoken of with seriousness
Her power is revered and respected
Her soft appearance in this lifetime
    disguises the depth of her soul
She is of The Morrighan
She is of The Darkness
She is of The Light
She is of The Masters
She is outside space
She is within time
She casts spells for those
    that need saving
She casts runes for the ruined
She gives messages to the multitudes
All are eager to meet her
Her life becomes legend
She has been here before
She will come here again
Her work is eternal
Her work is a masterpiece
The world is her canvas.

MAL 11/25/20

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


He has a beautiful heart
He has a way with words
He has the eye of the observer
He explores the extremes
He drums to a different beat
He unveils the unseen
He uncovers the unknown
He unlocks the lost treasures
He hears history
He unravels the mysteries
He maneuvers his mistakes
He learns his life lessons
He envisions the new golden age
He awaits the return of his light body
He revisits his past lives:
    He awakens in Atlantis
    He levitates in Lemuria
    He enlightens in Egypt
    He meditates in Mesopotamia
    He contemplates in the Congo
    He invokes with the Incas
    He manifests with the Mayans
    He astral travels with the Aztecs
    He sings with the Sioux
    He does archery with the Apache
    He chants with the Cherokee
    He harvests with the Hopi
He returns to the present
He remembers the past
He forges ahead to his future
He frees his feelings
He embraces his emotions
He holds himself harmless
He renews his resolve:
    To restore the sovereign rights
        of the land
        of the people
        of the tribes
    To reset years of abuse and neglect
    To recover the ancient practices
    To live in peace with the earth
    To live in harmony with the animals
    To live in sync with the seasons
    To live in tune with our hearts
    To live our best lives every day
        from sunrise to sunset
This is his vision
This is his goal
This is his plan
May these contracts be fulfilled
May history be retold and rewritten
May all that was once lost be recovered
May all life on the planet be renewed

MAL 11/24/20


She is a survivor
She is a motivator
She is a mentor
She is a mother
She is a nurturer
She is a counselor
She is a coach
She is a cheerleader
She is caring and loving
She is confident and capable
She is sympathetic
She is a supportive sister
She stands for women
She holds the sacred circle
She is an advocate
She is an advisor
She is a leader
She sees your worth
She holds up the mirror for you 
  to see your beauty
She helps you look within
She helps you find yourself
She helps you save yourself
She guides you to greatness
She thinks big
She lives large
She loves deeply
She feels strongly
She promotes your potential
She encourages your self-esteem
She lives for laughter
She joyously joins
She happily helps
She gladly gives
She thrives on truth
She faces her fears
She shares her story
She believes in her destiny
She is convinced of her calling
She is committed to her cause
She focuses on her future
She follows her fate
She dares to dream
She has visions of the world
  the way is could be
  the way it should be
  the way it will be
She acknowledges the awakening 
  around her
She knows her part in the process
She participates fully and passionately
She finds her way forward
She is ready to open and receive
She is ready to be reborn
She is ready to be revealed
She is here
She is now
She is everywhere
She has arrived.

MAL 11/24/20


He is a beacon of light
He is a beam of sunshine
He is a starseed
He is an indigo child
He is a pillar of positivity
He is patiently prolific
He is passively peaceful
He is potently proficient
He is progressively participating
He savors silence
He loves profoundly
He emits emanations of light
He visualizes the violet flame
He receives angelic attunements 
  and divine downloads
He transmits messages of love and hope
He believes in a better world
He envisions earthly cooperation
He traverses the timelines
He translates through the Tarot
He comprises the clairs
He sees without looking
He knows without learning
He hears without listening
He feels without touching
He senses without stimulus
He finds without searching
He grasps the greater good
He tenderly teaches
He graciously gives
He is thoughtfully thankful
He is genuinely grateful
He moves mountains with his mind
He transports through time 
  with his thoughts
He releases ribbons of rainbows
  to color the world
He consciously creates community
He is whimsically wise
His inner eye sees visions of the future
  where all stand together as one
One heart, one mind, one voice, one cause
Radiating love beyond reason
Harvesting Harmony with Heaven
Inviting Peace on Earth
May his visions come to pass
May his wishes be witnessed
May all be as one
May all feel at peace
May all hold hands in solidarity
May all feel love in their higher hearts
May it Be
Let it Be
So Be It. 

MAL 11/24/20

Monday, November 23, 2020


He is an artisan
He is a sound healer
He is a melodic mastermind
He is a buddha
He is a guru
He is a gentle giant
He is consciously calm
He is metabolically mindful
He is quietly complex
He is serenely sweet
He is conscientiously creative
He is silently stellar
He is universally united
He is galactically grounded
He sees sacred geometry
In everything around him
He feels the ancient prophecies
He passionately pursues peace
He savors stillness
He clears karma
He digests dharma
He intakes introspection
He exhales extremities
He harbors harmony
He hones his habits
He increases his intellect
He protects his privacy
He seals his sacred space
He tends to his temple
He ignores illusions
He faces fear
He resurrects redemption
He placidly prays
He compassionately counsels
He is a wise whisperer
He is meticulously meaningful
He is coolly confident
He is daringly different
He is consistently courageous
He is completely caring
He is tremendously thoughtful
He is one of a kind
His kind is sorely needed
In a world of wildness
In a country of chaos
May his intuitive inner voice
Speak sanely to the masses
May his purposeful presence
Project a pattern of pensiveness
May his way be strong
May his path be followed
Long live the seeker
Long live the peacekeeper
He will find honor
He will find heavenly rewards
He will find what he seeks

MAL 11/23/20


She is a divine deity
She emanates from the source
She illuminates with the Light
She is ancient and wise
She is a council elder
She co-creates with the cosmos
She plants seeds of transformation
She glows with goodness
She kisses with kindness
She hugs with honesty
She gazes with grace
She is humble and innocent
She reflects with resolve
She studies with seriousness
She embodies with enthusiasm
She contemplates with concern
She is a seeker
She is a guide
She is a guardian
She is an advocate
She is a healer
She is a transmitter
She is a receiver
She bridges the gaps
She crosses the caverns
She holds the hands of Heaven
She spreads the wings of the angels
She stands by the throne of God
She opens the curtain of knowledge
She unlocks the library of the Akashic
She reveals the secrets of the realms
She conducts the concert of truth
She witnesses the waking of the world
She bears the burden of the beloved
She wields the sword of salvation
She harbors the hearts of humanity
She rescues the relics
She finds the lost souls
She remembers the forgotten
She rekindles the flame of hope
She protects the path to peace
She forges the fight for freedom
She lives a life that evokes love
She gathers gifts with gratitude
She guides with gentleness
She gives with genuine generosity
She guards the galactic gateways
She generates the genomes
She deciphers the DNA
She diffuses the drama
She defends diversity
She dissipates dichotomy
She dictates the mandates
She invests in the innocent
She judges the guilty
She pardons the penitent
She releases the reformed
She accepts the atoners
She consoles the conflicted
She doles out dispensation
She blesses the benefactors
She believes in the beautiful
She watches over the weak
She tends to the troubled
She shatters the shameful
She eradicates evil
She destroys demons
She aligns with the Archangels
She soars with the Seraphim
She chuckles with the Cherubim
She enlightens with the Ascended Masters
She teaches the children
She leads the way home
She recovers the pieces
She recreates the puzzle
She restores the ruins
She saves us from ourselves
She saves our eternal souls
She saves our world.

MAL 11/23/20


He is a dreamer
He is an alchemist
He is a crystal manipulator
He is an echo in a chamber
He is a scream in a dark alley
He mesmerizes magnificently
He is magic personified
He has a marvelous mind
He stands in a portal of truth
He projects positive vibrations
He sees beyond the realms
He envisions beyond comprehension
He enlightens electrically
He believes biochemically
He breathes beneficially
He maneuvers mysteriously
He captures the causalities
He perceives profoundly
He bends time and space
He melds with the microcosm
He expands with the macrocosm
He generates genetic geometry
He predicts the planetary alignments
He gathers the galactic codes
He vibrates with the Venusians
He mindmelds with the Martians
He meditates with the Mercurians
He inoculates with the Neptunians
He stargazes with the Saturnians
He jousts with the Jupiterians
He undulates with the Uranusians
He pulsates with the Plutonians
He unearths unfound knowledge
He creates with the crystalline grid
He capitulates to the creator
He dreams with the dragons
He unravels with the unicorns
He sashays with the satyrs
He convenes with the centaurs
He consults the Oracle of Delphi
He spins with the Three Sisters
He tames the Tigris
He navigates the Nile
He evolves with the Euphrates
He walks like an Egyptian
He rouses like a Roman
He grins like a Greek
He is mythological and metaphysical
He is alpha and omega
He is history and prophecy
He is past, present and future
He combines the centuries
He mixes the millenniums
He eradicates egocentricity
He advocates actualization
He is a teacher
He is a leader
He is a master
He is a student
He absorbs astronomically
He transmits telepathically
He receives reciprocally
He protects the planets
He guards the galaxy
He enlivens the elements
He emits ether
He forges with fire
He ascends with air
He whirls with water
He exists with earth
He is beyond calculation
He is beyond enumeration
He is without proof
He is outside time
He is beyond space
He is interstellar
He is extraterrestrial
He is knowing
He is seeing
He is believing
He is searching 
He is seeking
He is reaching
He is grasping
He is holding
He is the unknown
He is the familiar
He is nothing
He is everything
He is one
He is all

MAL 11/22/20

Sunday, November 22, 2020


He is a wayshower
He is a traveler
He is a pioneer on the spiritual frontier
He is unapologetically authentic
He is captivatingly candid
He stands tall and proud
He is gentle as a lamb
He is an adventurous awakener
He is daring and bold
He dances with the divine
He exhilarates the exhausted
He captures all angles with his camera
He focuses all features with his lens
He expands reality with his eyes
He is a visionary
He is an explorer
He is kind and compassionate
His heart is pure gold
He empathizes with all beings
He connects with the communities
He blesses the believers
He builds up the broken
He restores the remnants
He supports the shattered
He tickles the timid
He laughs with the lonely
He is larger than life
His energy is magnetic
He is a healer
He is a giver
He is beyond limits
He goes above the barriers
No fence can hold him
No cage can contain him
No rule can restrict him
He breaks them all
He defies them all
He denies them all
He is free to live
He is free to grow
He is free
He is free.

MAL 11/21/20


She is a siren
She sings the songs of the deep ocean
She is a Fae Queen
She is an Enchantress
She is a crystal communicator
She seeks synergy with the stones
She vibrates with their energy
She bathes in their glow
She creates gorgeous grids
To activate their full power
They are drawn to her
They feel the strong pull
To combine with her essence
She magnetizes the minerals
She manipulates the meridians
She offers the obscure
She prefers the polarities
She divines the dualities
She glimmers like a gem
She sparkles like the snow
She radiates and reverberates
Echoing her ancient tones
Concealing her captivating aura
Comingling with the cosmos
Spiraling with the stars
Meandering with the meteors
Exploding with the supernovas
Catapulting with the clusters
Synthesizing with Sirius
Propelling with the Pleiades
Obfuscating with Orion
She is stellar and lunar
She is the voice of the void
She is a gatekeeper of the galaxy
She will reawaken the Atlantean codes
She will pull the forces of the tides
To create a whirlpool of wisdom
The knowledge of the ages
Will spurt from the sea
The waves will wash over the Earth
Cleansing and clearing the chaos
Containing the catastrophes
As new growth is granted
As the new Earth is born
She will walk with the wind
Through the sands of the desert
To the Redwoods in the forest
To the Mountains in the mist
To the Valleys with the vistas
To the Rivers with raging rapids
To the Lakes of the lost ships
To the Lands without borders
To the Ruins that will be rebuilt
She will raise and revive all in her path
She will be spoken of in sonar
The sea creatures will sing to her
The animals of the land will flock to her
The land will welcome her
The sky will open for her
All will see her in her shining glory
The powerful priestess
The wisdom walker
She will lead us all
Out of our slumber
Out of the fog of forgetting
Into the realm of remembering
Bountiful blessings on her
A thousand thanks to her
We are forever grateful

MAL 11/21/20

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


She is a fairy princess
She is an elvish queen
She is an earth healer
She is a gypsy goddess
She is a shield maiden
She is a crystal tuner
She is a yogi master
She is a meditative mistress
She is a white witch
She is an apothecary
She is an elixir mixer
She is a remedy concoctor
She is compassionate and kind
She will soothe your soul
With her sweet salve
She will heal your body
With her magical potions
She will quiet your mind
With her soft songs
She will guide your way
To the golden orb
From the darkest night
To the break of day
She is a youthful spirit
With a wise soul
Her joy and playfulness
Will rouse your inner child
Her innocence and purity
Will restore your humanity
She walks with the wind
In the whispering woods
She talks to the trees
In the depths of the forest
She marvels at the moss
As she melds with the stones
She watches the water
As she contemplates her essence
She communes with the animals
As she quietly seeks solace
She dances at dusk
She casts spells under the moon
She is loyal to her sisters
She will never break a bond
She keeps every promise
She is a woman of her word
She underestimates her worth
She is humble and true
You can see shooting stars in her eyes
You can glimpse galaxies in her hair
She rotates with the planets
She keeps time with the transits
She eclipses the ego
She emphasizes the energy
Her creations and vibrations
Will bring change to the planet
Her impact to the Earth
Will ripple far and wide
The soother of souls
The healer of worlds
May her sweet sincerity
Last forevermore.

MAL 11/17/20

"Love you to fairy dust"

Sunday, November 15, 2020


She is a sage
She is an angel
She is a seer
She is limitless
She holds space for the nameless
She keeps time for the troubled
She crafts for creation
She harnesses the power of the void
She goes where others fear to go
She is brave beyond boundaries
She is pure potential
She is potent possibilities
Her face radiates the light
Her eyes reflect the unknown
Her lips loosen the bounds
She has been here for centuries
She has no beginning or end
She is no one
She is everyone
Her voice will not speak
Until its impact will be felt
She looks for the lost
She waits for the whisperers
She harbors the hopeless
She rescues the recluses
She invites in the indifferent
She welcomes the wanderers
Her hospitality and kindness
Are unparalleled and true
Her sweet soul will envelop you
Will hold and comfort you
Help to guide your spirit home
She will never turn you away
If you show up at her door
She will hide her pain
To take the time
To wipe away your tears
To soothe your fears
To encourage our efforts
To listen closely to your cares
She will nourish your mind, 
   your body and your soul
Never tiring of trying
Never hesitating to help
She is the friend you've
   always longed to have
She knows you
She sees you
She hears you
She has been there
She will always be there
For us all. 



She is a shapeshifter
She is a shaman
She is a medicine woman
She is a time master
She honors the ancestors
She is a spirit walker
She walks the paths 
  that no one else will walk
She shifts the sands
  to make space for the sun
She paints with all the colors
  not bothered if they run
She blends them into
  the fabric of space and time
She speaks to all the spirit animals
She creates with all the elements
She controls the chaos
She orders the cosmos
She beckons the beauty of the universe
She calls to all the ages
She rewinds the centuries
She rewrites the past
She shapes the future
She dreams the new pathways
She anchors the portals
Her energy is electric
She is fierce as a wolf
Yet soft as a swan
She protects her cubs
She howls at the moon
She runs with the wild night
She reflects the moonlight
She shatters the sun
Refracting its light
To break it into a kaleidoscope of brilliance
Emanating from the ether
Radiating from the rings
Bursting from the black holes
Projecting from the pulsars
Oscillating from osmosis
Collecting and creating
She harnesses the electrons
She protects the protons
She nourishes the nucleus
She decodes the DNA
Stimulating every strand
Engaging every layer
Wisdomkeepers watch her
Recordkeepers research her
The multitude longs for her
It is her time
It is time for her.


Saturday, November 7, 2020


“A rose by any other name
would smell as sweet”
But not as sweet as her
She is sweetness personified
She is the embodiment of love
Her perfect rose pink personality
A gift to the world
She is a learner
She is a teacher
She is a keeper of codes
She is a bearer of light
She is as soft as silk
She is proud and passionate
She holds secrets well
She will listen deeply
To the stirrings of your soul
Her patience knows no bounds
Her soul sings sweetly
Like a beautiful bird
She is quiet and deep
She is a survivor
She has an underestimated strength
She loves fiercely
She protects her own
She is a nurturer
She is a lover
She sings lullabies to the world
Cradling it in her arms
Her voice softly guiding it to sleep
Ready to awaken to a new day
Fresh and bright as the sunrise
She beams her bright light
Into everyone she meets
Not even aware of her power
To transform with a snap of her fingers
She clears the air of hatred
She rings the bell of freedom
She advocates for the needy
She champions for the weary
She comforts the casualties
She reckons with the reckless
Her talents are tremendous
But she softly shows them
They can easily be missed
If one does not look closely
If one does not listen carefully
Take a second look
Hold your ear close
Then you will see her fully
Then you will hear her clearly
A gentle force of nature
Changing the world
One mind at a time
Every day of her life

MAL 11/7/20


She is a warrior
She is a shaman
She is a healer
She is a teacher
She is pure woman
She is strong
She is powerful
She is a goddess
She shines like the sun
She shimmers like a rainbow
Her hair is full of unicorns
Her eyes will mesmerize you
Her soul runs as deep as the ocean
She will hold your hand gently
While she fights all your demons
She is a fairy queen
With glitter sprinkles shooting from her hands
She is a dragon master
She is a phoenix
She rises from the ashes
Flinging fire from her fingers
She will destroy and consume
All obstacles in your path
She is a restorer of souls
She will free you from your chains
She will rescue you from your dungeon
While quietly holding your in her arms,
She will clear you of your fears
She will ignite all your passions
She is fearless
She has been broken
She understands your  pain
She sympathizes with your struggles
Your soul is safe with her
She will protect and guard it
She will use every last breath
She will never give up
Until all souls are retrieved
Until the world becomes whole again
She is the one you have been seeking
She is the one to bring you home
She has heard your screams
She has felt your cries
She sheds her tears for you
Tears of deep healing
Tears of magic
Tears of grief
For the planet and all who dwell on it
She journeys into hidden worlds
To find the missing pieces 
To recreate the puzzle
To recover what was lost
The angels sing her songs
Songs of the past
Songs of the future
Songs to heal the broken
Songs to inspire the hopeless
She is a storyteller
Telling stories of creation
Telling stories of the golden ages
She has seen it all
She has felt it all
She has known it all
She has been everywhere
She travels through time and space
She sees beyond the boundaries
Her gifts have no limits
Her spirit soars like an eagle
Her words whisper in the woods
Her voice echoes in the canyons
Her cries wake up the dead
She calls to the heroes
She leads the armies of light
She will take back the night
She will awaken the dawn
She will go down in history
Her name will be remembered
Her story will be told
Generations upon generations
Will thank her
Will honor her
Will feel the impact
She made on the world
She will take her place
Among the kings and the queens
The divine defender
The crystal commander
The eternal restorer
Bless and revere her name

MAL 11/6/20

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


She is a seductress
She is a witch
She is a siren
She is a song
She is full of fire
She is cool as ice
She is a protector
She is a fighter
She stands for innocence
She holds the light
She breaks through barriers
She stands up for what is right
She puts up a shield
But is tender inside
Her heart is pure gold
Her blood runs pure white
She breathes in the dawn
She breathes out the night
Her eyes hold infinity
Her lips speak the truth
Her ears hear the darkness
Her hands touch the cosmos
The stars call her name
The moon draws her in
The sun shines through her skin
The world is her oyster
She claims what is hers
No one may trespass
No one shall harm
Her power protects her
And all she holds dear
The world will whisper
When it is time
She will step forward
The past will unwind
The present will ignite
The future will unfold
She is timeless
She is forever
She is the universe
She is all.

MAL 11/4/20