Walk With Me
The clouds speak to me
With white wisps across the sky;
The birds beckon as they fly.
The sun warms me as
I walk amidst the trees;
Nature calls to me with every breeze.
My mind quiets as
I listen to the sounds;
Sweet stillness echoes and resounds.
Little flowers flock amongst the grass;
Flittering along the path as I pass.
The joy and beauty is there for all to see;
So won't you come and walk along with me?
The clouds speak to me
With white wisps across the sky;
The birds beckon as they fly.
The sun warms me as
I walk amidst the trees;
Nature calls to me with every breeze.
My mind quiets as
I listen to the sounds;
Sweet stillness echoes and resounds.
Little flowers flock amongst the grass;
Flittering along the path as I pass.
The joy and beauty is there for all to see;
So won't you come and walk along with me?
The Beckoning Breeze
The breeze blows softly
On a beautiful summer day;
Cool and soothing,
It calls us to come and play.
Don't stay inside,
It chides as it flows,
Freely through the curtains,
It's urgency grows.
You belong with me,
Out here flying free;
Good things await you,
Come out and see.
Don't wait another second,
Don't wait another breath;
Listen to the call
And find Nature's wealth.
On a beautiful summer day;
Cool and soothing,
It calls us to come and play.
Don't stay inside,
It chides as it flows,
Freely through the curtains,
It's urgency grows.
You belong with me,
Out here flying free;
Good things await you,
Come out and see.
Don't wait another second,
Don't wait another breath;
Listen to the call
And find Nature's wealth.
By Susan Abramson http://torontodesigners.com/blog/ |
Bountiful Berries
Bountiful berries bursting from the trees;
Delicious morsels abundant and free.
Excitement of discovery as they come into sight;
Joy of tasting can be found in every bite.
The Earth provides for those that look around;
Open your eyes and see what can be found.
Joy of tasting can be found in every bite.
The Earth provides for those that look around;
Open your eyes and see what can be found.
Abundant treasures are sprinkled along our way;
So take the time to look for them each day.
The Gifts of Meditation
I sit in stillness as my breath ebbs and flows;
I feel the ground beneath me as the quiet grows.
My heart expands as it opens and alights;
My spirit soars, and with each breath, it ignites.
The light grows stronger from the heavens above;
As my heart is filled with peace and with love.
The anger and sadness are released easily;
As I embrace inner peace and harmony.
God’s grace is a gift he freely gives;
To each of us every day that we live.
True Friendship
True friendship is a wonderful gift;
Sure to make your spirits lift.
Whenever you are feeling down,
A cup of cheer can soon be found.
Just by it presence in your life,
It eases the toil and the strife.
Though you may want to run and hide,
A true friend will be by your side.
Share with them your every trial,
For they can make you laugh and smile.
Cherish this friendship so very dear,
Treasure each moment of love and care.
Honor the bond not easily broken;
The kind where no words need be spoken.
No matter what you say or do,
They will not turn away from you.
No rift that cannot be repaired,
No heartbreak that cannot be shared.
A blessing from heaven that feels so right,
This friendship is filled with pure delight.
No heartbreak that cannot be shared.
A blessing from heaven that feels so right,
This friendship is filled with pure delight.
If you're lucky enough to find such a gem,
Make sure that you hold onto them.
For every step along the way,
A true friend will surely brighten your day.
Nina from Australia (Friendship) [CC-BY-2.0
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Deep Within
The Light of God fills my soul,
Making me complete and whole.
My destiny becomes more clear,
Each time that I release the fear.
My inner child comes to me,
Filled with laughter and with glee.
The tiny voice within me grows,
Guiding me with what it knows.
The deeper and deeper that I go,
The stronger and stronger the energy flows;
Until I reach that special place,
That brings with it abundant grace.
The trees majestic as they stand,
Rise up across the land.
Shielding us from golden rays;
Protecting us on summer days.
The air we breathe they help to flow;
Giving us more than we know.
They reach up into the sky,
Where birds soar as they fly.
The birds take rest from traveling;
Their calls cry out, echoing.
The squirrels bounce from branch to branch,
Staking their claim at every chance.
Providing homes for many creatures;
Finding a purpose for every feature.
The wonders of Nature never end,
Especially these treasured friends.
My Sweet Girl
Gwendolyn so very dear,
Hugging me so very tight,
Loving me with all your might.
Sweet kisses daily do you give,
Providing reason for me to live.
Your precious smile lights up my day,
More than words could ever say.
When you yell “Mommy” as I return,
It is a prize I could never earn.Each night that I softly sing you to sleep
Is a precious memory for me to keep.
I watch each day as you grow,
My pride for you more than you know.Please take your time, don't grow too fast,
So we can make these moments last.
You are my mirror, my “mini me”,
As I imagine the woman you will grow to be.Your spirit is wonderful, a sight to behold;
I joyously await to see it unfold.
Stay as special as you are today,
Don't change who you are in any way;You are a treasure, a gem, a pearl;
You will always be my sweet little girl.

In the woods we gather among the trees,
Enjoying the quiet and the breeze.
The sounds of nature surround us all,
As we listen to their echoing call.
How very nice to get away,
From the call of another day.
All of us join in the fun,
From morning until the setting sun.
At twilight we start to settle down,
Some quiet time can then be found.Sitting by the firelight,
Sharing stories is such a delight.
We never want the day to end,
Especially when shared with friends.
Spirits call us from above,
Sending messages of love;
Ancestors long passed away,
Speak to us in their own way.
Sweet angels standing by our side,
Their golden wings open wide,
Protecting us from any harm,
Soothing us with their charm.
These helpful guides are waiting for us,
Amid the mayhem and the fuss;
Stop for a moment and listen clear,
For you will find the answer there.
Pennies from Heaven
If you see a penny on the ground,
Know that an angel is around;
Telling you not to despair,
That you are in their loving care.
Though you cannot see their face,
By your side they take their place,
Guiding you from every foe,
Healing you from any woe.
Listen to their message today,
As it sets you on your merry way.
Don't question this sign so very clear,
For it will wipe away your fear.
![]() |
By Mark File via Romantic Asheville Travel Guide |
The Smoky Mountains
Up in the mountains so smoky and blue,
We marveled in awe at the spectacular view;
On Clingman's dome we set our sights,
Determined to climb to the highest heights.
The path was steep with many stops,
But finally we reached the top;
The misty haze engulfed it all,
As we reached the peak so very tall.
Back down we came along the trail,
Noting the flowers so very frail.
Newfound Gap was next on our list,
A wonderful sight not to be missed.
A blue haze covered the trees,
Over the mountains as far as you could see;
We made our way down through the clouds,
Taking as much time as would allow.
One last stop to end our day,
A nature trail along the way;
The rushing river so close to our feet,
Was a nice surprise, a special treat.
We hated to leave this peaceful place,
Away from the world and its hectic pace;
But as we left the mountains behind,
We held onto its treasures we were blessed to find.
The Park
Round and round I walk on the path,
Round and round I walk on the path,
As nature encircles me in its grasp.
The stately trees are treasured friends,
Always standing around each bend.
The stately trees are treasured friends,
Always standing around each bend.
The blue sky opens far and wide,
As the white clouds go floating by;
Their changing shapes lead to reverie,
Imagining who and what they might be.
As the white clouds go floating by;
Their changing shapes lead to reverie,
Imagining who and what they might be.
The children playing can be heard all around,
Always a cheerful and pleasant sound;
A tiny oasis amidst the busy streets,
Where for a moment we can find some peace.
Always a cheerful and pleasant sound;
A tiny oasis amidst the busy streets,
Where for a moment we can find some peace.
Some by birth and blood do make their bond;
Some by ties of marriage of whom we are fond.
They are always there when you are in need,
Tied by a special unspoken creed.
The joy and laughter that are often shared,
Some by ties of marriage of whom we are fond.
They are always there when you are in need,
Tied by a special unspoken creed.
The joy and laughter that are often shared,
Cannot be measured or compared.They accept you with all your flaws,Even when you give them pause.
In the heat of anger you may have spoken,
But this powerful bond cannot be broken.The fruits of this bond are a gift from above,
But this powerful bond cannot be broken.The fruits of this bond are a gift from above,
A precious symbol of eternal love.
No distance or time can lessen this tie,
For it only grows stronger as the years go by.Hold onto them tight for as long as you can,
Don't let anything come between you and your clan.
The generations before course through our veins,
Their strength can see us through any pain.
Even in death their presence is found,As we sense their spirits are still around.
Their strength can see us through any pain.
Even in death their presence is found,As we sense their spirits are still around.
Don't question the reason nor the need,
Honor the past and their lessons heed.
Honor the past and their lessons heed.
The present is ours to forge the way,
As the future brings the promise of a brighter day.
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