Saturday, September 28, 2013

Yoga and Meditation - 9/27/13

I went to a Restorative Yoga workshop Friday night and it was wonderful. 2 hours of pure relaxation. Then I meditated for about 20 minutes when I came home.

Restorative yoga uses props to allow your body to fully release and relax. We used a bolster, blankets and blocks and she also gave us a towel with essential oils to help calm and soothe us during the practice. I felt so relaxed and peaceful afterwards. I stayed for a bit and talked to the teacher and one other attendee. I ended up talking to the one woman about meditation and it really was helpful to inspire me to increase the frequency of my meditations. I decided to make it a priority when I got home. So I did.

I got comfortable, lit some candles and went into my meditation. Focusing on my breath and going deeper into my heart. It was a nice way to end the day.

My goal is to do yoga and meditate every day. If I miss a day or two, that is fine as I will accept where I am at now, but this way I have a goal to do it. I may even try twice a day, or work up to that,  just 20 minutes each in morning and try for longer at night. I have all the props for a restorative yoga practice, so I will try to do a gentle basic yoga in the morning and a restorative practice if I do it in the evening. I will also work on attending my favorite yin yoga class once a week. I just have to find my spot at home and do it!

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