Enclosed in a misty halo of light.
The soft clouds are drawn to it,
Surrounding its fullness like a shield.
The moon and clouds stand together
in stillness like a dream,
In their own world of light and
shadow in the dark sky.
As I see the fullness of the moon,
I am filled with my love for you.
The halo of light is like a guardian of our love.
The misty clouds protect the dream world
we enjoy together.
We will always be joined with the moon,
Its ever changing shapes, sizes and colors
a reflection of our love.
When we are apart, it will link us
through the distance;
And when we are near to each other,
It will bring us even closer in our hearts.
As the moon is ever present, even when unseen,
So will our love be.
As long as the moon stands in the sky,
Our love will never die.
MAA 10/31/97
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