You are a sassy spell-maker
You are a bold beauty
You are a weaver of webs
You are a cauldron catalyst
You are a prodigious practitioner
You are a rebellious realist
You are a harbinger of the harvest
You are a spokesperson for the seasons
You are a teacher of traditions
You are a mistress of mysteries
You are a seamstress of spellbinding
You are an architect of alchemy
You are an abundant altruist
You are dedicated and dutiful
You are decent and honest
You have a heart of gold
and gilded wings of a warrior
You are fiercely protective
You hover and cover
all in need of shelter and safety
You soothe the weary souls
that have suffered in silence
You give respite for the restless
You give hope and harmony for the helpless
You are patiently proactive
You are soundly stable
You are a solid rock for
those in need of a foundation
You break the boundaries of bedlam
You restore the righteous
You admonish the atrocious
You scold the spurious
You break the ties that bind
when they are bound too tightly
You free those that have known only fear
You lament those that have been lost
You treasure the tokens and
trinkets of times long past
You honor the hearth and the home
You are the heart of your house
You are the keeper of the keys
You are the savior of sovereignty
You are a sorceress of sympathy
You are a goddess of generosity
You are a patron of patience
You are a lavish lover
You are a heartfelt hero
You will renew the royal realms
You will invoke the ancient ones
You will unfold and unveil the unknown
You will anoint the atoners
You will revel in the rituals
You will rejoice in the remembering
All that was lost and forgotten will be found
All that was swept away at sea
will find the shore
All that was blown in the wind
will safely land
All that was burned in the fire
will be reborn
All that was buried deeply
will be unearthed
You will lead the way
You will make it so
So Be It.
Blessed Be.
MAL 12/24/22