Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11/13: Friendship Chain

We all remember that day 12 years ago that will forever be imprinted on our souls.
God Bless America!

The following poem was inspired by how I was connected to many people before and after the tragedy that year.

Friendship Chain

One act of kindness
Can make such an impact.
Reach out to a stranger;
Make a new friend.

The chain of friendship
Links us together,
No matter the distance
It knows no bounds.

Friendship is universal,
The key to making peace;
Follow the golden rule,
Love thy neighbor as thyself.

No one can refuse
Friendship kindly offered,
With unselfish heart
It touches the soul.

A token of friendship
Speaks its own language,
A symbol and reminder
That we are all as one.

The friendship bracelet
Is not only for children;
It inspires all of us,
Old and young alike.

It brings joy and hope
To those who receive it,
Spreading friendship
Across the nations.

                                     MAL 7/29/02

This week has been great so far. I have been doing yoga in the mornings and it feels great to be starting a daily practice. Will try to keep doing that or in evenings/taking classes. I will probably do it this evening since the time has passed quickly this morning. Tomorrow I want to go to UpDog for my yin yoga class. I will meditate at lunch today so that will be nice. I have been getting more sleep lately and working less than the last few weeks. Feels good to get home at a relatively decent hour. Will be home early today since Damon is going to a concert. That will be nice.

Working on all of my goals! Doing good so far.


  1. I love how you show the power of our connection as human beings. One act, one kind word, one smile can truly impact so many others!

    1. Thanks Audra. You are my first comment on my blog. :) I knew that must have been the poem you were referring to. Yes, I really felt the power when I made so many bracelets for others that year. It was a true connection of the soul. I want to write a book on it. One day ....
