I haven't been writing on this blog in a while. I have been continuing to grow in my spiritual practices. I have continued my meditation and yoga workshops and since last Fall (2014) our meditation group has been meeting very regularly, almost weekly lately. It is wonderful. It is more than meditation. We meditate and then share in a circle what our experiences were and our leader helps us to heal and release further during the share. So it is really a holistic energy support group. It is my spiritual therapy group. It is wonderful to share this with others of like mind and spirit. It has helped me tremendously. I have changed and grown so much in the last couple of years. I was reading my posts from the Fall and Winter of 2013 and it is amazing how much insight I had at that time that is coming to me again but from a different place now. The seasons bring similar insights I find. The Fall and Winter are often my most deep insights. The summer inspires me to enjoy nature, but Fall and Winter are times of deep introspection. It is wonderful to have these periods that are unique.
I have rediscovered the Angels again recently. They have always been with me, but I had to take a break from fully connecting to them as I grew in other areas. I have been doing my own Angel Oracle and Tarot card readings and even did some for close friends. One reading last weekend was very intense and profound, a day after I had a huge breakthrough at a meditation. I was able to fully receive all the returns of positive energy and love that I had ever given out, that I was never able to accept into my heart before. I am also learning to keep more inside myself instead of giving over myself too easily and fully to others, when they are doing well on their own spiritual journey. I am finding when it is right and the best way to help others.
It feels great to give to others, but it is coming more from my heart and true self and in a more grounded way. So I don't lose myself in giving to others. I gain more wisdom and peace instead.
I also am using crystals and stones again also, but in a more moderate way. I found some amazing bracelets called Soul Journey and I was inspired to give them to all the women in my meditation group, choosing just the right ones for each of them, and keeping a few for myself. I also am giving them to close friends who I think would benefit from them. I can feel the healing power of them. Also, I gave the men a special bag of crystals for each of them. I also shared some crystals with my friend and her daughter that came last weekend. One special larger crystal in particular I gave to them, which is one that connects to the angels. I knew that they needed it. I was called to give it away. It felt right. It is great to share what I have when it is the right time and place. This Christmas I am giving so much to others. I gain love and peace in return. I am allowing others to give back to me spiritually. Material gifts are not necessary as I am so blessed to have what I need already.
I am meditating more regularly on my own as well. I did the Oprah/Deepak Chopra Meditation Challenge and that was awesome. Focus was on belief. The last time I did it was in 2013. So again the parallel between that year and this year.
I haven't done yoga as much lately, but find time when I can and also walking. I know those are key for exercise. I will find a balance for them as I can. I am focusing more on family time and the schedule for my daughter doesn't always allow for me to find that time alone, other than my regular meditation group. I am working on releasing habits that get in the way of these activities also. My sleep has been a big obstacle over my lifetime. I can sleep easily, but stay up too late in general.
I am working on doing better every day. It is a slow process of change, but I have faith I can change my habits for the better. I have had periods of great change and it is just finding the balance and routine to allow all the positive changes over the last couple of years to come together. I know I can do it. I believe I can and it will happen. Each day is a new opportunity for change and growth.
I am connecting more with my angels and guides. The other day I connected and got messages from my guides. I have a main guide, a healer guide and a teacher guide. Each serves a purpose. I felt a strong connection to several Archangels as well. They are so powerful when they come in. The energy is phenomenal. I continue to increase my intuitive visions and senses. It is nice to see that growth and feel the power and guidance that flows in me when I open up to it.
I feel I am listening and following my intuition and guidance. I am opening up to my life purpose more each day. I found a journal entry with a message on that very topic in an old journal and it was so applicable to recent insights. It was amazing. It confirmed my instincts. I am to spread love and light to others and help them to heal (that gift is going to grow and expand more over time).
Love and Peace to all this holiday season.
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