Friday, May 13, 2016


I have been feeling a lot of synchronicity lately. I saw a post on Facebook about Synchronicity that got me thinking about it and feeling that I was having experiences in that manner.

Here is the link that was in the post:

Here is an excerpt from it:
"Synchronicity means exactly this… Being in alignment (in sync) with Divine time.

To experience synchronicity is to experience the magic of the Universe. Synchronicity speaks to the magical coincidental moments of Divine alignment…

When you are in harmony with the flow of life, and the guidance of your angels, you’re likely to experience increased synchronicity.

Synchronicity can come in many forms, such as meaningful coincidences, signs and signals pointing you in the right direction, books or teachers aligning, doors and opportunities magically opening up for you, and improbable meetings with just the right people, at just the right time.

Synchronicities are not accidents, rather they are signals from your guides, angels, and higher self, pointing you in the right direction. Personally meaningful coincidences and synchronicities are often clues which lead or develop into answered prayers."

Just before I saw the post, I had met a woman at a gong meditation and instantly connected. I found that she had just gone to an event held by a friend of mine on the same day. Coincidence, or synchronicity? I felt the latter. It felt like the universe was telling me that I am on the right track and attracting people and experiences into my life that will nourish my spirit and soul.  

I googled synchronicity and found another description that matches my feelings on the word:
"Now more than ever, synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or to place emphasis on something going on in your life. The more 'consciously aware' you become of how your soul manifests, the higher your frequency becomes and the faster you manifest positively. Each day your life encounters meaningful coincidences, synchronicities, that you have attracted, on other words created in the grid of your experiences in the physical. Souls create synchronicities, played out in the physical."

I am experiencing so many things that could be random, but that I feel are examples of synchronicity. Facebook seems to be a vessel for my spirit. By liking pages and posts of a spiritual nature and acquiring friends that nurture my spirit, posts and events have been coming to me which heighten that realm. They come at just the right time, and offer me just what I need at that moment. It is like watching a flow that awakens your spirit and lets you know you are on track. It is a visual trail of the path of my spirit at a given moment in time. A record of its journey. It is fascinating and powerful to observe.

I am enjoying watching the flow of synchronicity in my life and feel thankful to be able to observe it and acknowledge it.

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