Saturday, October 12, 2013

Yoga and Meditation Journal - Week of 10/7/13

Another great week so far continuing my twice daily yoga and meditation practices, as well as the daily walking. I am feeling so good and energized. I am inspired to keep it going. My diet has also improved as a result of being more in tune with my body. 

I have been doing a basic practice each morning, starting with sun salutations and gentle stretches and rotations (arm, hip, knee, ankle, wrist, head) and then do a few standing postures and then sitting/lying down. This week I started doing 6 poses a day from my Chakra Deck which is one of my favorite resources for asana and breathing/mediation examples. It has 6 cards for each chakra, one for breathing, 4 asanas and 1 meditation. They are really good. I shuffle up the deck to mix it up and choose the top 6. Then I do them in order of chakra (red for root, orange for sacral, yellow for solar plexus, green for heart, light blue for throat, indigo for third eye and violet for crown). 

In the evening I do whatever feels good. Most often lately it is a restorative practice which includes props to help fully relax and release from the day. A nice practice to do in the evening. I have been trying different ones, some that I found online or from my memory of the few classes I have taken. I do yin yoga once a week in the evening, and plan to do that some days at home also. 

I am super excited about a few yoga workshops that I signed up for at the studio where I take classes, UpDog Yoga. Next Friday will be a Yogic Shamanic Journey which sounds very cool. It is the night of the October full Harvest moon. The Friday after that will be Dance Meditation. I also start a Mediation series (5 weeks) which is taught by the owner of the studio. Then in November there is one of their regular workshops, RestoraYin. A mix of Restorative and Yin with Thai Massage as you practice. Awesome!

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