Monday, October 21, 2013

Yoga and Meditation Reflections - Week of 10/14/13

I had another wonderful week of daily yoga and meditation as well as my daily walks which are a meditation in themselves. I have done this daily practice for three weeks now and it is really transforming my life. I have wished to make these daily practices for years now, but feel that this is becoming a reality that I can sustain for my life. It is so rewarding.
Most days I am doing both yoga and meditation twice, and walking at least once. Some days I only get in one of each, but it still so rewarding. If my goal is two, I will at least do one. I am just doing my best to make the time, and replace bad habits with better ones. I find that I wake up desiring to make these a part of my day now, and would miss them if I didn't. So that is telling me they are really becoming a central part of my daily life and are sustaining themselves in how I feel as a result of doing them.

I do them when I can, adjusting depending on the day and when I wake up or have the time. I am getting creative. Today I got up later, as I have been doing on the weekends, and so did 20 minutes of yoga quickly before we had to leave to go to a family event. I put on my MP3 player with some meditation music and tuned into that in the car on the way over, as I did last weekend as well. I made sure to take a nice long walk with the family when we got there also. So all three fit into the day perfectly. I just need to keep the momentum going. In the past, I didn't have the energy to want to do them when I woke up, and then wouldn't feel like doing it before bed. Now I have more energy as a result of doing these daily, and crave them each day. Instead of trying to fit them in, I make the day fit around them. That is the difference.

This week I was blessed to attend a special workshop at my yoga studio, entitled Yogic Shamanic Journey which incorporated both yoga and a shamanic meditation to wonderful drumming. It was held on Friday, the night of the Full October moon,which she said is the Hunter's moon. I had an amazing meditation experience, building upon what I have been experiencing lately in my personal practice and the retreat that I attended two weeks ago. I felt a release of more emotions such as fear, anger, sadness and it was in the framework of the four elements as we had focused upon in the yoga portion and before the meditation. I felt cloaks being taken off of me (such as sadness) and then cloaks being put on me to heal, from the elements. I released anger into the fire, and danced to the drumming (in my imagination). At the end, a large tree appeared in my heart, as it has in some other meditations, but this time it tied into all the elements as they had appeared to me during the meditation. It was truly amazing.

I was also able to attend my usual Yin yoga class on Tuesday and a special class at a studio (Bodhi Seed) that I had never been to, but the teacher is one I have taken elsewhere. A nice gentle yoga with a relaxing meditation at the end.

I look forward to what this next week will bring. Starting a meditation series on Monday which will last for 5 weeks, at my yoga studio and another workshop on Friday called Dance Meditation which should be fun.


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